I have decided to leave this blog rather than try to update and rescue it, i just cant bring myself to delete it so i have decided to start afresh taking my favorite examples of work and experimental images with me to the the new blog ....In with the new.
I hope to make this blog look a little more professional and exciting showcasing the best of what i can achieve, maybe i will decide to keep this original blog as a way to carry on showing some experimental phases and also progress on the new blog, i'm not entirely sure yet. i hope you will come with me and watch the new one to give me some much welcome feedback and advice.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Jane Austen
I have started a new project, From which i want to design a set of contemporary book cover designs for a set of Jane Austen novels. I have my concept, to create a cover which reflects the personality of the main character from each book. I have been experimenting with the use of colours which represent different traits of there personality.

Monday, 10 May 2010
final tees
Here are my final Tshirts, Im really happy with how they have turned out. Nothing like the images i put here the other day though as you can see. I couldn't get a screen made in time to have these printed for the Handmade stall, I had to make a stencil with acetate then dab on fabric paint before adding the finishing touches, I really like the effect i achieved through stenciling on the designs i think they actually look better than what they would have screen-printed.

Friday, 7 May 2010
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Im going to attempt to have a go at screen printing some T-shirts either tomorrow or friday for the fundraising stall that Molly has arranged to do, i wanted to create something illustrative which could be added to with embellishments so decided to base my designs around Shoes i have created my images now so will see how they look printed before i decide wether i will use them or not, Fingers crossed though they will look how i am hoping, I want to add rag ribbon as bows on the back of the shoes and maybe a few sparkles but we shall see.

Friday, 30 April 2010
Friday, 23 April 2010
Well the idea for laser cutting my designs did not go down to well as there is apparently no point, if it doesn't tie in with the word and the reason is just to make them more appealing then its not good enough!! so back to the drawing board yet again feeling ever so slightly frustrated and fed up, i have done another idea which is using a humorous approach by using images which reflect the word these will hopefully inform and appeal to the target audience. I actually quite like this idea but obviously it needs to be worked with more but a good starting point i hope!

Thursday, 22 April 2010
flash cards
I have also come to a final design for my flash cards, no longer are they going to be your run of the mill version i have decided to have each word laser cut out of aluminum sheets which will hopefully work out i have to go and speak to the man who can, it will cost a fortune but i think they will be worth it for sure. i have posted some photos of the words i cut out of card to get a feel of what they may look like i have materials to make the packaging when they are finished i have also made a set of the usual flash card format which will be contained inside the box as an additional extra.

final Chekhov book covers
As you know i have been working on producing visuals for Anton Chekhovs short story 'Dreams'
I have finally finished this project and have created a few visual responses which include 3 posters printed onto a thick tracing paper, 2 posters containing words and also 3 book-covers.i have yet to photograph my posters, the books are below.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Well i have decided to use the image featuring the text 'Lust rules your head,not your heart' i am making a small booklet like tag which will contain a smaller version of the image printed onto tracing paper in black, underneath will be a piece of red card then a piece of white paper featuring a poem i wrote which i feel describes the image,
The short poem reads..... Aching, longing, anxiety, desire. My pulse rate is climbing higher & higher, my hearts beating fast, my cheeks are flushed red, are the feelings of lust ruling my head.

Monday, 22 March 2010
noise lab
Monday, 15 March 2010
tea with the mayor
On the 4th march we were invited over to manchester town hall to meet the mayor of manchester Alison Firth, She made us feel very welcome offering us tea and biscuits from there very lovely china cups. We were shown around the offices, we sat on the same settee as the queen, signed the visitors book and sat at her desk in the chair which was as old as the building,
After our tour we had plenty of photographs taken while receiving our framed letter of thanks from the head of police, It was a lovely morning and it has been a wonderful experience working on the campaign on a whole.

more chekhov
I am really enjoying experimenting with visuals on this project here are some i created last week i think i am getting close to my final designs, I have also been experimenting with the use of tracing paper how this could be incorporated in to my designs i do have some mock pieces which i will take photos off and put up during this week

Ive been working on my design for the noise exhibition here are a few examples. I want to incorporate the pulse readings from panic/anxiety attacks with a profile silhouette i like were this is going but i think i need to do a few more experiments before deciding on which image to go with.Im a bit unsure as to wether they need an outline or not!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Noise lab 'panic'
Thursday, 4 March 2010
As well as working on the Chekhov project i have also been working on two others, one of which is the I.S.T.D brief 100, You are required to interpret the number 100, the content can be educational, explanations of events, historical or social discoveries or developments, sporting records or achievements, they want an innovative idea which not only intrigues but also informs.
As i want to have a career in teaching i wanted to choose a subject which would reflect this, After initial research i came across world-english.org a one stop resource for the english language. As i have recently been looking into how i can improve my vocabulary the list i found on here was what i was looking for, 100 words to impress an examiner in examinations, My idea is to create a set of cards like flash cards you use with children but these will be aimed at higher education students, or maybe just people who would like to improve there vocabulary like myself.
They can be pinned on to notice boards or carried around with you in the package i am working on at the moment. i would also like to come up with new ideas as to how else the cards/words could be accessed , I am thinking that there could be a App for phones where you have access to the cards to view on screen, in the pack you buy there could also contain a cd to store the words on your computer, and maybe even set up a facebook group to encourage people/ students to interact and help each other with improving there vocabulary wether to help with a crossword or to use in everyday language/conversations.
I have finished typing up all 100 cards i have put an example below, I am now working on the name, logo and packaging for this product.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010
I have created a couple of layouts using the visual experiments i did first for the Chekhov brief here they are below, It is just a start i hope to do plenty more examples but i am still unsure as to what i will produce for an end product!

Short story,
more chekhov
Ive been doing a few more experiments and visuals using stick and ink in my sketchbook here are some of my favorite results, im making some progress but feel i need to put a few days solid in working to produce a lot more sketches, I also want to take a more graphic approach in generating other images which can also represent the story.

Short story,
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