I do like the previous design but i started to think how i could create designs for the other books in this collection with the same feel, When i looked into the other titles further doing something in this style just didn't seem to feel relevant so i went back to the drawing board and thought about how i could do a series of books which linked together well but still had a strong concept behind them. After a while i decided that instead of trying to put the feel of each book into words/pictures i wanted to link them in a different way something simple but innovative, This brought me to my final designs, I have chosen to create graphics based on each book but a collective concept, This involves lines produced by each chapter and how many pages are in these, i suppose its basically a horizontal bar chart mapping out the results, I have chosen to have these in colours which are bright and of the times, I think these covers will look good printed on a high quality gloss paper to give it more of a contemporary edge. I have also had the idea to try cutting out the graphics so the colour of the hardback book will show through in the vibrant colours i have chosen or maybe turn these designs into a box that a hardback book can slot into.

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