Friday, 11 December 2009


After having a few months of none stop stressing about were i can go after this course i can now finally begin to relax, For a while now i have been thinking about going in to teaching in an area of design,although i am unsure of what age group and wether i want to teach in a school or in a way in which i can work with a variety of ages and backgrounds. Last year i was a mentor for the ideas foundation a part of mccan erikkson i had the opportunity to work with a group of boisterous teenage boys some were not even considering a life involving design but i loved every minute of it i found i did have something to offer these kids and really managed to help them enjoy working on the brief which they were set. Looking back this is definitely something i really enjoyed and felt it was a rewarding experience knowing that you can help somebody achieve there aspirations something i would like to do as a career, Its also nice to know that my tutor thinks that this would be a great direction for me to go in and with his help hopefully i will get the meantime though i want to make books...lots of little artists book it has taken me a while to see that i have enjoyed each brief in which i have been able to make a hand crafted end product so yep i have made a lot of decisions today and as orange would say 'the future is bright' :D

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